This Is The Beard
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
JAMES WEEK 8 (pic 2)
Out and about on the town with fans.
While in L-Town this weekend I ran into some beardblog fans.
They wanted me to relay that...
"Matt has the smallest fucking eyes in the world and he looks like a badger."
"DB is cool, and I think its great that he is open about his sexuality, being gay that is."
"Dr. D may look tough, but only a pussy would give in after 3 weeks of growth, its like he's aborting a baby in the first trimester."
These are not my views, I am just relaying what the fans have to say.
Over and Out
Dr.D week 4

My beard hero: the primate
It all started with him - look at him, beard and mane are seamless... in a way by making him my beard hero I am really making James, Matt and Daniel my heroes since they technically did descend from him. Thank you for giving me the ability to both wonder and marvel again.
Disclaimer: I am not in the competion and am merely an admirer, in fact this will be my last post.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Matt Week 8

There are few things of note to point out in this photo.
1. No special effects were used in this photo.
2. My eyes are not red because of the camera flash. They really get red like that when I summon The Black Dragon (my sensai says I need to be careful how often I summon him, but I thought this was worth it).
3. Aside from years of dedicated training, summoning The Black Dragon can only be done by a bearded man.
4. Summoning The Black Dragon also involves punching through a New York Post with the word "Nailed" on the cover. This makes it all the more rare.
(Don't worry, The Black Dragon is completely harmless and it's sole purpose is to fly around the world, watching as many syndicated reruns of Blossom. Don't ask me why.)
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Beards are the new black
Here's a quote from an article in the New York Times:
"On city streets, too, trends in scruff have reached new levels of unruliness, a backlash, some beard enthusiasts say, against the heightened grooming expectations that were unleashed with the rise of metrosexuality as a cultural trend. Men both straight and gay, it appears, want to feel rough and manly."
Check out the whole thing here.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
arrgh, daniel week 8

so i was sitting around watching six feet under and just feeling sorry for myself in general, then after a little while i realized that i had been twisting little braids into my beard for about an hour. i went and looked in the mirror and was instantly rejuvinated and sat around in my bathroom and laughed at myself. oh man, so good. all i had was a copy of premiere magazine which is the new issue and kinda works since johnny depp is sporting quite a menacing beard himself. will the jury accept that as a suitable periodical?
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Matt week 7(pic 2)

Note: Some cutting and pasting and 'Photoshopping' were used, but only on the newspaper editorial area to enhance creativity. These changes in no affect the accuracy of this photo.
Matt week 7(pic 1)

Dr.D week 3

It's been fun my furry friends but it is time for me to say goodbye. A lot of great things have happened in my life once I accepted the natural course of my facial hair. I made new friends, met new people, even got a new job on the weekends selling nuts in central park. Alas, my scruffy days are over. It's back to being smooth. I'll miss you. Again thank you to the hairy three. I still stand in awe and solidarity.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
James week 6 pic 2

This thing has gotten big.
While walking to the subway last night I passed by a little bar on Sullivan street called the V-Bar. There were a couple of guys outside who noticed me and started yelling out "Yo beard boy come here son." "Whoa! are you even serious right now? I can't even believe that is the beardblog guy, I thought it was a Grizzly bear" So I went over signed some autographs and took a picture with them. They both agreed that Matt sucks the most out of everybody on the blog, they said he had an "asshole face" whatever that means.
Out & about with the people,
(photo concept - Joe Gannon)
(story and words - james Gannon)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Dr.D Week 2

The beard, not me. Honestly the smoke is a prop (thanks Jack), the issue of Wired is indeed mine. I am not, clearly, in the competition - but I am in awe of it. The three of you have brought children, miners and mimes together. Facial hair has never seemed more honest and/or sincere before - and I thank you for the generosity and love it has brought me. I am not a member, but instead a big fan.
Thank you.
The Mullet Clause

i'd like to make a motion that will hence forth be known as the 6-month mullet clause. for this clause to pass i require all 3 members of the beard competition to be in agreement. we all know that mullets suck. it's a known fact. i hate them, and now i'm beginning to have one. what i propose is that each member gets a supervised de-mulleting to be performed by or in the presence of the other two members. this operation can only happen once every six (6) months. if you choose to use the 6-month mullet clause you cannot use it again for at least 6 months.
i recommend this motion because the beard contest is about having fun and growing beards. not looking like a hillbilly who's hot for his sister.
respond with your decisions gentlemen.
daniel bellury, esq.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
it ain't over..

you jerks can say whatever. i don't remember the friday night picture not counting.
"so whatchyoo want beelurry?"
"whatchyoo want beelurry?"
here's a picture of my crotch to keep you company while you think about how bad it's going to suck when one of you fools loses.
suck it,
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Saturday, March 04, 2006

These Photos have been making the rounds on Gawker, Gothamist, and other NYC related blogs. Apparently the "Beard boys" have been making themselves men about town recently, late nights, partying, and full on friday follicle fraternizing. The timeline for last night seems a little hazy, but here's what we heard so far. The night starts early with James showing up at a trendy little bar on Sullivan Street known as Vbar. A few hours later, Matt shows up and the two beards begin to drink heavily. Matt keeps ducking outside to "place phone calls" but who knows, maybe he is calling his personal trainer. There are a few words exchanged between the two around 9:45 PM and eventually Matt leaves the bar with an unnamed and practically unbearded man who we think was referred to as Doctor D. James continues to slug back brew after brew, a foamy white head lacing the outer crown of his (as he puts it) "Glorious beard". Around 12:30 AM, James the diehard is still bearded, standing, and drinking. Matt returns with "Doctor D." and the drinking continues on until the trio is rounded out by Daniel, who heavily bearded is also heavily bundled beneath his $10,000 dollar burgundy jacket (allegedly a sponsorship item from Bloomingdales). Matt disappears into the bathroom one last time, (we think) so that he may, let's just say it, vomit, but that doesn't stop the party. The three men continue to drink until the wee hours of the morning, their beards seeming to grow a little as the sun begins to crawl out of the darkness and into the sky.