This Is The Beard

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Dr.D week 3

It's been fun my furry friends but it is time for me to say goodbye. A lot of great things have happened in my life once I accepted the natural course of my facial hair. I made new friends, met new people, even got a new job on the weekends selling nuts in central park. Alas, my scruffy days are over. It's back to being smooth. I'll miss you. Again thank you to the hairy three. I still stand in awe and solidarity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quitters never win Dr.D.

If you are doing this to hurt us, you are not. The only thing you are accomplishing is hurting yourself, your reputation, and your chance at actully for once in your life having a beard.

You're half way there man, don't give up now.

Feeling your future disgrace from miles and miles away,
This is Jack Kodiak

2:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh god the spelling and grammar errors...

11:30 AM  

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