daniel before and after

i'm a brand new man.
not to get sentimental, but being in this contest was more than just a celebration of beards and masculinity. i feel like it was a great example of a community gathering around something as silly as facial hair and bonding and getting behind each other. this contest has given me new respect for myself and new people who i now call friends.
so thanks to everyone that took part in what we were doing, everyone that talked trash about my crummy pictures and most importantly two other guys who put their noggins on the line for raw, unbridled competition.
matt and james, this picture of me falling off a rail is for you.
bearded at heart,
daniel bellury

Come on Daniel, that's your brother or cousin or something.
it even looks like you shaved your eyebrows too.
How sentimental... did you ever think about the repercussions of shaving?
Take a look at headlines from Friday's Post: 100+ Terrorists Killed In Raids, A-Rod Failure Is One Of Many, Grief For Cabby, Rage Over Homeland Hooker Limos and the Dow Jones dropped. Oh, and my wallet was stolen. Maybe being "bearded at heart" just isn't good enough. Thanks alot.
whoa, stop fakin' the funk there homeslice. sorry about your wallet, but don't diss on the beard in my heart. it's alive and true.
Huzzah you bastions of beardedness, you heros of the hirsute, you once-woolen titans. Forever and ever more your tale will live on in stories and song. A triumph of brotherhood glistening in the sun like the track of a spent tear. bravo
Haha, right on.
15 years of not shaving and you finally grew a real beard. I'm proud of you man. Too bad in 15 more years, you'll be growing hair out of your ears, as well as your chin.
P.S. Hit me up, punk... I need to come up there, or you need to come down here.
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