The Mullet Clause

i'd like to make a motion that will hence forth be known as the 6-month mullet clause. for this clause to pass i require all 3 members of the beard competition to be in agreement. we all know that mullets suck. it's a known fact. i hate them, and now i'm beginning to have one. what i propose is that each member gets a supervised de-mulleting to be performed by or in the presence of the other two members. this operation can only happen once every six (6) months. if you choose to use the 6-month mullet clause you cannot use it again for at least 6 months.
i recommend this motion because the beard contest is about having fun and growing beards. not looking like a hillbilly who's hot for his sister.
respond with your decisions gentlemen.
daniel bellury, esq.
I am going to have to vote against this clause, I think one amendment could lead to many and I also think that one members misery is another's advantage. The contest is about fun but it is also about winning. I am aware I may regret this decision later when I have my own mullet but for now I vote against.
Sorry DB
Daniel, I think I'm going to have to side with James here. Yes, it is the beard competition, but that's the the title. We agreed in the beginning that it was ALL head hair with the only trimming allowed on the cheeks and neck.
I, too, feel like I may regret this but if it gets so bad that I can't handle it, I suppose I'd just cut it. That's the game. Sorry.
the sharks have sensed weakness and are going for blood now.
there it is. i figured as much, but it was worth a shot.
there's nothing worse than a mullet and i just had the advantage of living with it first.
2 Things.
1.) Although I am not actually part of this contest, I feel the need to voice my opinion on this topic. I agree with James and N16 and state my opposition to this clause. However, if for some reason you guys do decide to ammend the rules and allow the existence of this clause I think it should be known as the "Pussy Clause" or, if you are feeling playful, the "Pussy Claws" or maybe even "Santa Clause's Pussy".
2.) Justin, I know you've done enough drugs to keep your brain at a permanent level of equal parts "stupid" and "feeling good" but it seems like lately the stupid has had the advantage of the mouth piece. As far as I know, sharks don't sense weakness and go in for the kill. If they smell blood in the water then sure they'll swing by and fuck shit up. But I don't think sharks have any real sense of weakness at all. They are pure killing machines designed for destruction that attack not when they feel something is weak, but more so when they feel that it is alive and full of yummy blood. Why don't you take a break from cracking your head & crack a book buddy.
Beyond the reefs,
This is Jack Kodiak
This is exactly the type of thing you should be promoting. Mullets do suck, but that's the price of celebrity. Bitches.
I love and respect you all.
jack's right. there's no weakness here justin. just blood.
lots of blood.
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