This Is The Beard
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
Matt Week 17

That's right folks, I'm going to eat couscous, walk in the Sahara, ride a camel, and bargin for carpets.
If I don't return, that doesn't mean I'm dead, it could also mean that Bree was kidnapped by a Berber sultan. I will then have to track them down, kill the sultan and free her from the harem. Then we'll come back. But we'll be changed, forever.
Seriously though, wish me luck finding an internet café so that I can post next week's photo.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Beard Rules

So Daniel has yet to post a picture and his band The Staton Myth has a show tonight.
I am posting these rules because it was clearly stated that the contestants must use a newspaper.
These rules have not been edited since 3/30/06 and each of us had the opportunity to make any changes we deemed necessary.
Daniel used a magazine once before and there was some confusion over whether or not that counted, as a result the above rules were created.
that is all I have to say.
3.5 hours to judgment day.
matt week 16

I woke up really late today, and to my surprise it was a beautiful afternoon. I needed a little break and wanted to get some sand in my beard, so I decided to go to the beach. One way ticket to the Hamptons please. It took me all afternoon to get ready, I had everything I needed.
1) Sunscreen
2) Frisbee
3) Football
4) Sunglasses
5) Cross to glisten in my chest hair
I step outside and it starts to get dark.
My whole night is ruined, now I am sad.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
James week 16

I woke up early today, and to my surprise it was a beautiful day. I needed a little break and wanted to get some sand in my beard, so I decided to go to the beach. One way ticket to Fire Island please. It took me all morning to get ready, I had everything I needed.
1) Sunscreen
2) Frisbee
3) Football
4) Sunglasses
5) Cross to glisten in my chest hair
I step outside and it starts to rain.
My whole day is ruined, now I am sad.

Another Beard Commercial
my good friend micah whitson turned me on to this commercial. you guys will love it.
Harry Potter 5 & and a Beard too.

The movie and gossip blogs are ablaze today with news of the crazy casting of a BEARDED Hollywood newcomer in the next installment of the Harry Potter series "The Order of The Phoenix".
Follow the link for photos from the set and info on the newest addition to the cast.
In the know,
This is Jack Kodiak
Monday, May 15, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Matt Week 14

1. drink lots of beer (and whisky)
2. sit around a campfire
3. eat lots of meat (I did not partake in this but the other guys ate enough to count for me)
4. shoot airsoftî guns at each other (basically BB guns that shoot plastic instead of metal BBs but still sting pretty good)
5. look at saturn through a massive telescope
6. ride the zip line
7. sleep
It was all very fun and no one cried.
daniel week 14 (the shout out week)
so i have some shout outs to some great beards this week. first off we have nate crooker, fresh from the middle east sporting a terrific beard. glad to have you back buddy.

next is my friend keith from atlanta. he's working on a tremendous beard that harkens back to days of swedish death metal. good luck keith, we're all counting on you.

finally, there's my dad, phil bellury. he's had a beard for most of my life and is an inspiration to beard growers young and old alike. he's perfected the art of the scraggly beard and what he lacks in volume he makes up for with style. way to go dad, you're the reason i wanted a beard in the first place.

over and out,
Friday, May 05, 2006
weird spanish blog did a write up about us.
Check it out.