Matt Week 17

That's right folks, I'm going to eat couscous, walk in the Sahara, ride a camel, and bargin for carpets.
If I don't return, that doesn't mean I'm dead, it could also mean that Bree was kidnapped by a Berber sultan. I will then have to track them down, kill the sultan and free her from the harem. Then we'll come back. But we'll be changed, forever.
Seriously though, wish me luck finding an internet café so that I can post next week's photo.
Matt, awesome as always! Where's Daniel's? Is he going to wait until the last minute again?
james and matt, A+ as always. dan... someone wake me up after he posts, when it's james's or matt's turn again.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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