This Is The Beard
This Is The Beard is a competition
between three young men willing to risk
public shunning, food particles stuck in
their beard and, in the end a
humiliating haircut to prove they have
what it takes to be crowned the King of
the Beard. The rules are simple: you
cannot cut your facial hair or head hair
with exception of a little neck and cheek
trimming. Every week we must post a
current up-to-date photo of our growth
progress. The loser is the first one to
cut their hair in any way. For this, the
loser is subject to a haircut by the
remaining two competitors.
The Competitors


Persecuted For Wearing The Beard

Previous Posts
I see little Ava is following in here namesake's footsteps. Seig heil little Ava. That's pretty fucked up Daniel.
I'm a funny guy but love kids and that joke was fucked up. not cool.
lighten up, dude.
log in and I'll lighten up.
Whoa whoa!
Slow it down boys...
Allow me to try and smooth this all out...
Dr.D, I fully understand when someone has a sensitivity issue when it comes to jokes & kids. And anonymous (who I agree should login or at least be willing to sign their name at the bottom of the post)is definitely leaning on the button, if not whole heartedly pushing it. But, I think that in the end we can all agree that tragedy + time= comedy, right?
So there you go. She died back in 1945 which is 61 years ago. if you ask me this is more than enough time for all of us to make jokes about her and little cute little kids.
Now you can continue pointing a finger at anoymous if you like and say "No this joke is definitely not funny!!!" but you would be in the wrong and anonymous should take that finger and point it right back at you for your inappropriate joke. What am I talking about? Oh Dr.D, just because you purposely made some typos doesn't mean I ain't gonna catch you buddy.
If you look at your 9:37 comment on this same page, you say and I quote "but love kids" Butt Love is what we all know you meant. "I'm a funny guy who Butt Loves kids." Now that joke I think is taking things too far sir.
Clearing a few things up,
This is Jack Kodiak
Also for the record, it's Eva, not Ava. The little girl is Ava, the dead woman who makes out with guys with tiny mustaches is Eva.
So Jack with your theory about 'tragedy + time= comedy' I guess James' deformity that occurred 20 years ago is now funny. If it is then I dare him to post a photo of it on the mix blog.
Secondly, what I really took offense to was being called 'dude'. Making fun of millions of innocent dead people and simultaneously making fun of a cute little girl was only partially offensive.
Thirdly I am a "funny guy who Butt Loves kids", and grown ups too I might add.
Oh and it you said 'slow it down boys...' but if I had to guess 'anonymous' is a girl.
I dare him too!
Post your freakish deformity it for the world to see!!!
Don't hide in the shadows like a coward...bask in the sunlight like a man!
Dr.D, I don't think there are millions of dead people named Ava...
I think you're exaggerating.
I do have a rather large forehead...could that be it?
please explain.
just have April take a picture of it and post on the mix blog. I haven't seen it in a while, Jack showed it to me when you were passed out...
Oh look at Dr.D avoiding comment on my comment about his gross exaggeration!!!
Saying that a girl who was a victim of Nazi Germany is 'gross' is downright rude Jack, that's no exaggeration.
I don't think Ava was victim. Do you?
Ava Gardner, Hitler's lady friend.
Not Eva Braun. That's not funny.
just to let all of you know...james has no deformities, so therefore i will not take any pictures of them.
Ava Gardner was in the movie Hitler's Madman.
Eva Braun was someone Hitler banged.
Thanks for clearing that up April. I guess good ole' Dr.D. is up to his old tricks with more and more lies.
Hey, has anyone noticed that in the James week 16 picture's comments $Mikey is going crazy or something, check it out.
hey anonymous, eat a bag of dicks.
from a top a mountain full of peace, love and pleasantries, and down that same mountain to slap jerks in the face,
this is hank danger
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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