This Is The Beard
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Matt Week 20 - before and after

My beard is now a stow away aboard a tanker headed to China. There he will be sold on the black market for a premium rate. When I get the money I will then be able to afford that surgery I've needed for so long. You know the one. With that thing. That makes me different.
Oh, and happy father's day to all the dads out there. Rock on.
Friday, June 16, 2006
daniel before and after

i'm a brand new man.
not to get sentimental, but being in this contest was more than just a celebration of beards and masculinity. i feel like it was a great example of a community gathering around something as silly as facial hair and bonding and getting behind each other. this contest has given me new respect for myself and new people who i now call friends.
so thanks to everyone that took part in what we were doing, everyone that talked trash about my crummy pictures and most importantly two other guys who put their noggins on the line for raw, unbridled competition.
matt and james, this picture of me falling off a rail is for you.
bearded at heart,
daniel bellury

Thursday, June 15, 2006
Well its all over. 3 ways a contest could end fellas Win, Lose, or Draw. We realize that we are all worthy opponents and have decided to go out on top before this whole thing gets old, in other words we choose draw.

We met up tonight to say our final farewells.

Said good bye to some of our fans.

Signed a contract.

and got down to cutting.

We would love to thank everyone who supported us over the last 20 weeks.
"You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em"
-James, Daniel, and Matt
P.S. Updated Photos of beardless contestants coming soon.

You know you can learn allot from these two bearded men.
Saddam, he gets a bad rap but I kinda like him, he's the underdog. How can you not like the underdog? I see him up there in court causing a ruckus, he's surrounded by like 200 million people that hate him, he's in an unfamiliar land but he keeps on keeping on and I like that. He's like a modern day Charlton Heston in Planet of the Apes, he's an inspiration to all of us to keep up the good fight and never surrender.
Then you got Kenny.
I don't think I have to explain why you should like good old Kenny, but unlike Saddam Kenny is a realist. Now I could try to sum up Kennys philosophy on life but I think he said it best...
"You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run."
Two completely different ways of living.
Do you want to go out fighting to the death?
Do you want to go out with a white suit and a smile?
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Matt Week 19

Kinda a boring photo. For that, I apologize. But don't my glass blocks look pretty?
Especially juxaposed with the symbolism of masculinity. The sallow, forlornly look of the protagonist portrays the emotional connection that he is seeking from the viewer. Also, the contrasting political and Hollywood figures reveal a sense of detachment from reality that one feels in our modern culture.
Sorry, I went to art school.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
daniel week 19 / more matt exposed!

james beat me to the punch on this one, but i also received a tip from the anonymous source with this stunning picture showing the lies matt is spreading. why? i don't know why, but it deserves investigation into his warped psyche.
also notice that due to hunger and poor photoshopping skills, the camel appears to have eaten the corner of my copy of this weeks onion! stinking dirty camels!
Friday, June 09, 2006
FERRIN EXPOSED/james week 19
I was sent these pictures from an anonymous source. They clearly show Matt outside of his brooklyn apartment in the exact same clothing used for his morocco pictures.

Also if you do a google image search for morocco and epcot you can clearly find this picture.

land of wonder my ass!