Matt week 9 (pic 2)

Cooper said to me "Matt can I be in your beard photo?" I said "Well, Cooper, that could be dangerous, I'd have to hold you as well as the newspaper and that is tricky." "Please! It will be fine." I thought it over for a few moments and then I gave it. "Ok, Coop but you have to hang on." That was when it all went wrong. Cooper, perched in the nook of my elbow, began to slip. "Hang on." I said. "I'm slipping, Matt, help me!" There was nothing I could do. In a flash it was all over. All I could hope was that the photos came out. Luckily for me they did. Cooper, however did not have such luck. And will be recovering at the Grand Street Animal Clinic for several weeks. Get well soon buddy.
omg, you guys crack my shit up. but this has got to be the best entry EVAH. :P i cannot believe you actually captured the moment where the cat is falling - classic. total fucking classic. as a cat owner, i cannot stop laughing...
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