This Is The Beard
This Is The Beard is a competition
between three young men willing to risk
public shunning, food particles stuck in
their beard and, in the end a
humiliating haircut to prove they have
what it takes to be crowned the King of
the Beard. The rules are simple: you
cannot cut your facial hair or head hair
with exception of a little neck and cheek
trimming. Every week we must post a
current up-to-date photo of our growth
progress. The loser is the first one to
cut their hair in any way. For this, the
loser is subject to a haircut by the
remaining two competitors.
The Competitors


Persecuted For Wearing The Beard

Previous Posts
So that's your secret! Cutting trees down + arm wrestling= strength of 100 men
where's the newspaper? we have found a loser gentlemen.
James is doing the old school Rocky IV work out. Yeah beard go go go!
Also, would someone please explain the rules to that stupid fucking coke headed "mommy won't let me keep the car" kid named Siberian Sammy. Who is probably named Siberian Sammy, because Siberia is snowy, and he likes "snow" if you get my drift.
Matt told me over the phone that when he saw this photo it made his cock hard.
excuse me jack, i do not know who you speak of. yes i enjoy snow. i enjoy the look of it, i enjoy living in it, i enjoy travelling through it. it is the life i chose here in siberia. i am merely your neighbor to the east (or west, depending on how you look at it).
thank you for your time.
signing out,
siberian sammy
Siberian Sammy,
Maybe the rules aren't clear to you.
1 picture a week must have a newspaper in it.
any other picture is bonus. You have from 12 am Sunday to 12 am Sunday to post a pic with a newspaper.
matt maybe we should post those official rules so I don't have to waste my time on dumb fucks.
dear patrick,
simple math has eluded you for all these years, this fact i am painfully aware of. with all of that reading you've been doing up there you couldn't pick up one book on simple mathematics? this makes me worry about you james, how do you ever get your bills paid on time?
oh wait. i forgot... april.
be that as it may, the last time we the people saw a newspaper from james was on april 19th, 2006 at 10:19 AM. now i know you guys have your VERY OWN(!) "new york minute", so maybe you have a "new york week" that you're running on as well. now if that's the calendar you used with this competition, then MAY GOD HELP YA! lol!
anyways, down here in good, old fashioned levittown, a week is STILL just 7 days. that's 168 hours, also known as 10,080 minutes, or 604,800 seconds. so james, by my calculations you had until today at approximately 10:19AM to post a picture with a newspaper, and you failed, therefore you lose the competition.
that's how it keeps happening in my dreams. if only i was judge, jury and executioner of this competition, james would have lost long ago. i really just want to see james befit with a haircut the likes of which i haven't seen since the summer of ninth grade, when he mistakenly buzzed his hair down a little too short and exposed his huge, perfectly spherical melon-head in all of its glory.
back to reality. of course i realize that you people started "the week" on some stupid ass day like tuesday or some shit, but that's not the point. no, the point of this post was clearly to take a few cheap shots at james. duh.
an innocent looker-on simply trying to uphold the rules of this competition,
signing out,
this is siberian sammy
Actually mr./mrs. Anonymous you got it wrong, Matt's nipples got hard, not his cock.
2 things.
1) Who is Patrick?
2) Who else feels like they just wasted part of their life reading the unimportant ramblings of Coke head Justin, oh wait, sorry "Siberian Sammy" Knowles?
*better hope Mommy doesn't read the above she may take away TV and internet privileges away from you*
P.S. before I give fuck head any more ammunition Patrick is my middle name, he was attempting to be clever.
I find it all very amusing. what are you looking for Matt, a sonnet?
Man oh man Sammy, that sure is a long post. I wonder how much coke you had to shove up your nose to keep yourself typing that long.
coke's so last year. heroin's back in. all the cool kids are doing it.
long post? do you all have the attention span of a 5 year old or something? i wrote it because i was bored and james is an easy target. granted, i could never in my life come up with such clever "coke jokes" as you people, but i try.
cool shadow in the first picture.
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